Posts tagged Personal Growth
If you’re alone, you’ll go home

You’re about to see me in a way that I rarely share on social media.

I carefully manage my public image, “my brand,” as I’m sure most of us do. On social media, we share our wins, and we share our struggles after the fact when we have some perspective and have had the chance to tidy our hair and fix our makeup for a camera-ready “tell-all”.

Over the last six months I’ve had some of the most incredible moments of my life. However, I’ve also been fed up, tired, bored and frightened. I shared some of my ordeals as they happened. But not all.

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The 3 ways we decide anything!

There have been plenty of times when I had an idea and didn’t pursue it. For one reason or another I didn’t launch my “E-Male” business (get daily emails and gifts from a virtual boyfriend for a reasonable monthly subscription), I didn’t get hair extensions (I was thinking of re-inventing my look before starting university), and I didn’t buy a holiday home as a bolt hole.

We all have a few brilliant ideas stashed under the metaphorical floorboards. But the process by which you decide which to follow and which to dump normally falls into one of three categories. Being aware of your process can help you embrace your natural decision-making style and not become influenced by other people who tell you to decide their way.

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The 3 Reasons I'm Becoming a Digital Nomad... and you could too.

Do you ever look at those photos on Instagram of bare feet and toasty brown legs, topped and tailed with a laptop on the bottom of the shot and the beach and sea on the top of the shot and think “What a w*@ker”?

Me too. There’s something highly provocative about some lucky dude who has managed to find a way to live somewhere beautiful, combine their work with a lifestyle that makes us all green with envy and get an even tan (no sign of mosquito bites ever!).

But why shouldn’t we all have this opportunity? What if we do?

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